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How Long Does Air Source Heat Pump Take to Heat Swimming Pool?

A common question that Shenling often receives is, “How long does a heat pump take to heat my swimming pool/spa center?” It’s a good question, but not easy to answer. In this article, we will discuss several factors that influence the heating time of swimming pools or spa centers.


The heating time required for a swimming pool or spa center depends on factors such as the air temperature, heat pump size, pool or spa center size, current water temperature, desired water temperature, and the use of solar blankets. Let’s take a detailed look at each factor below.


heat pump installation
How Long Does Air Source Heat Pump Take to Heat Swimming Pool?

Air Temperature:

As explained in our article titled “How do air-source pool heat pumps work,” air-source heat pumps rely on the air temperature because they use the heat from the air to warm the pool or spa center. The heat pump operates most efficiently when the temperature is above 50°F (10°C). When the average temperature is below 50°F (10°C), the heat pump cannot efficiently capture heat from the air, which means it will take more time to heat the pool or spa center effectively.


Heat Pump Size:

The size of the pool or spa heater is determined by the number of British Thermal Units (BTUs) per hour. 1 BTU can raise 1 pound of water by 1°F (0.6°C). One gallon of water equals 8.34 pounds, so 8.34 BTUs will raise one gallon of water by 1°F (0.6°C). Consumers often buy underpowered heat pumps to save money, but these devices have higher operating costs and require more time to heat the pool. Click here to correctly determine the size of the heat pump.


Pool or Spa Center Size:

All other factors being equal, larger swimming pools and spa centers require longer heating times.


Current and Desired Water Temperature:

The greater the difference between the current water temperature and the desired water temperature, the longer the heat pump will need to operate to achieve the desired temperature.


Use of Solar Blankets:

In addition to reducing the heating costs of the pool or spa center, solar blankets also decrease the required heating time. 75% of the heat loss in a swimming pool is due to evaporation. Solar blankets act as a barrier between the air and the pool or spa center, minimizing evaporation and retaining the heat. 

Looking for heat pump provider?

Shenling will be the best solution of how to use a heat pump in winter

Overall, heat pumps usually take 24 to 72 hours to heat a swimming pool to 20°F (11°C) and 45 to 60 minutes to heat a spa center to 20°F (11°C).


Now you know some of the factors that affect the heating time of swimming pools or spa centers. However, please remember that each pool and spa center’s surrounding conditions are unique, and heating times can vary significantly. If you have any questions or ideas, please contact Shenling!

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